EU approves Italy's €1.1 billion subsidy plan to include solar panels

Mar 19, 2024

Recently, the European Union approved an Italian plan worth 1.1 billion euros that will provide direct state subsidies for the local production of equipment needed for a net-zero economy.

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It is reported that the 1.1 billion euro plan will support local production of solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, electrolysers, carbon capture, use and storage equipment, as well as manufacturers of key components designed and mainly used as direct inputs in production.

Subsidies will be provided through direct grants, with a maximum of €150 million available to a single beneficiary. Up to €200 million for companies located in areas eligible for assistance under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TEFU) identified under category "c" (regions of former "a" areas and sparsely populated areas); "a Beneficiaries in “regions (the most disadvantaged regions and those with GDP per capita below or equal to 75% of the EU average) can receive up to €350 million.

It is reported that grants from the 1.1 billion euro plan will be available until December 31, 2025. Italy aims to increase the share of renewable energy in its electricity consumption to 65% by 2030, according to the latest National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP).



